Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Becoming the G.O.A.T.
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
If you want to spark a highly spirited debate among sports fanatics just ask, “Who was the greatest?” Though most of us have no chance of being the greatest at a sport, if you live these two principles, you can be the greatest person on earth.
Passage: Mark 10:32-45
Speaker: Bob Kadlecik
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
The Good Work: Commitment to a Community
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
The third and last step toward a national spiritual awakening may be the most counter-cultural of all. Could it be that this old, outdated, traditional idea is the missing ingredient to a spiritual revival in your life and beyond?
Passage: Nehemiah 9:38-10:1
Speaker: Bob Kadlecik
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
The Good Work: The Flame of Prayer
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
We all know what prayer is; it’s asking God for help. But what if that’s not what most prayer is about? What if there is more to prayer than we have always thought? And what if those missing prayers are what is needed to not just change an individual life, but to change a nation.
Speaker: Bob Kadlecik
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
The Good Work: The Spark of the Word
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
How does God turn an entire nation back to Him? Join us as we look at how Israel was transformed in Nehemiah’s day and what we can do to to start that spark in ourselves.
Spiritual change on a national scale begins with God’s Word. But that spark of change doesn’t come from just reading or understanding the Bible—that’s for spiritual babies. America will never change until Christians grow up and take this step beyond just believing God’s Words.
Speaker: Bob Kadlecik
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
#RelationshipGoals: At Your Job
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Career goals are great and working hard is really important. Making money to pay your bills is essential. But what if there was more happening at your job than just earning a paycheck and what if there was more to your paycheck than just earning money? What goals does the Bible lay out for your career and your paycheck?
Speaker: Josh Edwards
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
#RelationshipGoals: Parenting
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Anyone who has kids or cares for kids knows that kids have needs. Parents spend much of their time meeting their kid's needs or helping their kids learn how to meet their own needs. But when it all shakes out, what do our kids need most? What really should be our highest aim for our kids?
Speaker: Matt Poussuer
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
#RelationshipGoals: Marriage
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Everyone who is married or one day hopes to be married comes to the relationship, the engagement, and the altar with hopes, dreams, desires, and expectations. How do we ensure we have the right expectations and goals in our marriage?
Speaker: Bob Kadlecik
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
#RelationshipGoals: Dating
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
What is the goal of dating? If someone were to ask you why you were in a romantic relationship with someone, what would you say? Would your reason be so that you aren't alone? Or would it be "because I'm bored"? Maybe you just want someone to pay attention to you. What if there were bigger goals to dating than just swiping right or swiping left? Join us as we discover what the Bible has to say about this pivotal season of life.
Speaker: Bob Kadlecik
Sunday May 29, 2022
#RelationshipGoals: Single and Single Again
Sunday May 29, 2022
Sunday May 29, 2022
Family relationships, friendships, coworkers, acquaintances and romance...we are all in relationships. Sometimes things get messy and we react by going through 'relationship rituals’; just doing what we've always done without giving it much thought. Few things in our life are more important than the relationships we have. Sure, we make goals for things in our life that we feel are important, whether it be our career, our finances, or our living situation. What if we created relationship goals that were based not on what the world called successful, but on what God called successful? How do we know how to navigate these relationships so we don't just survive, but we thrive? Join us as we discover the relationship goals the Bible gives us for every area of our life.
What is your goal for singleness? Is it just a waiting room for marriage or is it something more – something even greater and more significant?
Speaker: Bob Kadlecik
Sunday May 22, 2022
The Fight of Your Life: Against the Enemy
Sunday May 22, 2022
Sunday May 22, 2022
No one has more power to destroy my life than I do, however, there is another enemy. The devil stands opposed to God and opposed to those who follow Him. The Bible talks openly about the devil and his plot to take people away from following God and giving Him praise. But the Bible also talks plainly about how God has given us a plan and a strategy to fight off the schemes of the enemy.
Speaker: Adam Morrill